FAQ - Phil Zimmermann

It’s been a long while since we made an update to one of our most technically advanced tools, Elcomsoft Forensic Disk Decryptor (EFDD). With this tool, one could extract data from an encrypted disk volume (FileVault 2, PGP, BitLocker or TrueCrypt) by utilizing the binary encryption key contained in the computer’s RAM. Mobile IoT modules vulnerable to FOTA updates … 2020-7-16 · During the lockdown, PentHertz accidentally found vulnerabilities on the device management process of some modules that could lead an attacker to backdoor FOTA updates of modules remotely at scale. This quick blog post introduces mobile modules, the FOTA attack vector as well as different vulnerability classes that could be found to target CDATA OLTs Backdoor / Privilege Escalation / Information CDATA OLTs Backdoor / Privilege Escalation / Information Disclosure Posted Jul 7, 2020 Authored by Pierre Kim. Various CDATA OLTs suffer from backdoor access with telnet, credential leaks, shell escape with root privileges, denial of service, and weak encryption algorithm vulnerabilities. tags | exploit, denial of service, shell, root

Jul 17, 2019 · One of the earliest backdoor controversies surrounded the NSA’s attempted introduction of the Clipper chip in the nineties. The chip was designed to encrypt voice communications and other data, however, it purposely included a backdoor that enabled the authorities to decrypt messages.

Samhain Labs | PGP signatures on software Verifying a PGP signature. GnuPG is a well-known and popular program to create PGP signatures and/or verify them. Extensive online documentation (Howto, User Guide) for GnuPG is available via the GnuPG Documentation Page. Using GnuPG to verify a signature is rather trivial (normally, the signature is in a separate file whose name ends with .sig How to Encrypt Emails Using PGP (GPG) in Outlook 2016

GPG itself is a Gnu licensed version of the Open PGP standard, which is an open version of PGP--a data encryption and decryption program that is the gold standard for email. With the alphabet soup out of the way (and Gpg4win installed), create your public and private keys using the Kleopatra app that was installed: File => New Certificate

2020-7-24 · Encrypting smartphones and other devices helps protect against malicious hacking, identity theft, phone theft, and other crimes. However, a government mandate requiring companies to build a “backdoor” into encryption for surveillance would put consumers at grave risk and impose heavy costs on US businesses. The government can obtain information for investigations from other sources, and […]