Linksys WRT310N - DD-WRT firmware - Hardware Hangout - …

DD-WRT - 头条百科 DD-WRT是一个基于Linux的无线路由软件,基于GPLV2发布。起源于2003年, DD-WRT提供了许多一般路由器的软体所没有的功能,例如支持XLink Kai游戏协议, 基于守护进程的服务, IPv6, 无线分散式系统(无线网桥和无线中继), RADIUS, 先进服务质量 DD-WRT - Wikipedia 2020-7-12 · DD-WRT is Linux-based firmware for wireless routers and access points.Originally designed for the Linksys WRT54G series, it now runs on a wide variety of models.DD-WRT is one of a handful of third-party firmware projects designed to replace manufacturer's original firmware with custom firmware offering additional features or functionality.

DD-WRT链路聚合教程 - 豆丁网

I had been using a WRT54GL as a wireless client and router with DD-WRT firmware for over a year, and I have been doing the same now with my WRT310N for about 2 weeks. I have a home office in my garage and running wires to the home gateway/AP on the second floor was out of the question.

How do i set up a wireless repeater using DD-WRT? Linksys

I use the WRT310n with DD-WRT in Repeater/Bridge mode. I have my PC, iMac, NAS Box, and printer on the ethernet ports. There is a how-to in the DD-WRT WiKi that explains it. The major prob with this model is the heat it produces. I bought some tall stick on rubber feet to jack up the tail end of it. This helps vent the heat. I set up my WRT310N v2 with DD-WRT to be a Wireless Repeater using the below guide except I created a virtual wireless interface which for some reason wasnt in that guide so I could connect wireless devices (the point of it all). https://www.dd-