The list of supported DHCP options is extensive. However, the number of options that can be passed to the client is limited by the size of the ACK packet. It is recommended that you configure essential options only for the specific DHCP server address pool.

From a Windows server, use the DHCP Management console (dhcpmgmt.msc). From there, navigate to the DHCP scope and click on Scope Options. If doing it from the command line is a requrement, netsh dhcp server \\servername scope show optionvalue (inserting the appropriate server name and scope IP address). The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) provides a standard for passing configuration information to hosts on a TCP/IP network. The options field of a DHCP message contains configuration parameters, including the domain name, domain name server, and the netbios-node-type. DHCP Client Option 12 Feature Information for DHCP Client Option 12. IP Addressing: DHCP Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS XE Release 3SE (Catalyst 3850 Switches) 4 The Dynamic Host Configuration protocol allows the client to receive options from the DHCP server describing the network configuration and various services that are available on the network. When configuring dhcpd (8) or dhclient (8) , options must often be declared.

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-I Specify the dhcp-client-identifier option to send to the DHCP server. -H Specify the host-name option to send to the DHCP server. The host-name string only contains the client's hostname prefix, to which the server will append the ddns-domainname or domain-name options, if any, to derive the fully

Diffserv code point for VoIP signalling and media streams. 135. HTTP Proxy For Phone Applications

Jul 09, 2020 · The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) provides a framework for automatic configuration of IP hosts. The document "DHCP Options and BOOTP Vendor Information Extensions" describes options for DHCP, some of which can also be used with BOOTP. Additional DHCP options are described in other RFCs, as documented in this registry.