
Since you are using the Windows Internet connection sharing (ICS) feature, here is how you can easily fix the internet connection. Instead of assigning a static IP to Pi, set it up to obtain IP address using DHCP. Restart your laptop and Pi. Aug 23, 2014 · You share the Internet adapter with all of theother adapters/connections. It is stock ICS. Select the active Internet Adapter and share it. All other active links will be able to see it. Assume: Adapter "A" is Wi-Fi to Internet. Adapter B is Ethernet to PC2. Sharing Adapter A allows PC2 to browse Internet. ICS has been around for a decade or more. Mar 16, 2011 · In the Local Area Connection Properties box go to Sharing tab. Under Internet Connection Sharing category select Allow other network users to connect through this computer’s Internet connection radio button to enable ICS and click on Ok button to accept and confirm your selection. For example, if an ICS is currently not connected to the Internet, and if a client computer needs to access some resources on the Internet, it will send a message to ICS saying that it needs to go to the Internet. At that particular moment, the ICS server will connect to the Internet and establish the connection, so that any of those clients

Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) on Windows – IPVanish

Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) (SharedAccess) Service Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) is a Win32 service. In Windows 10 it is starting only if the user, an application or another service starts it. When the Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) service is started, it is running as LocalSystem in a shared process of svchost.exe along with other services.

Apr 16, 2018 · Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) permits you to use Windows Server 2003 to connect a small office network or home network over the Internet. ICS provides Network Address Translation (NAT), IP addressing, and name resolution services for all the computers on a small network.

Jul 27, 2018 · If you want to share your Internet with other devices, there's a much quicker and easier alternative to Internet connection sharing in Windows 10. Connectify Hotspot is a true virtual router software app that will turn your computer into a WiFi hotspot or a wired router, to share Internet.